Zozi Tunzi reminds us that she's still the ’landlord’ of the Universe



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The queen of the Universe, Zozibini Tunzi. Picture: Instagram/@zozitunzi.

By Thobile Mazibuko Time of article published Mar 10, 2021

Eastern Cape-born beauty Zozibini Tunzi reminded us that two years later, she’s still the landlord of the Universe.

The former Miss South Africa and the first black woman to win the Miss Universe pageant since Angolan Leila Lopes was crowned Miss Universe 2011 took to Instagram to remind us of the girl she is.

Not only is she loved for her beauty and kind heart, but she has great humour too.

She shared a black and white image of herself with her 2.6 million followers and wrote: “The one with the Title Deed of the Universe. The keeper of keys! The landlord. First of her name! You can disagree in the comments if you like. Not sure where you're gonna stay after I kick you out though.”

Since the queen has spoken, no one on the comments could disagree. Instead, it was all love and laughs, as she interacted with her followers.

On International Women’s Day, she also shared a lovely message to all the women who reside in her Universe.

She said: “Happy International Women’s day! I know you are always called powerful and strong like that’s the only way to be and exist as a woman. Today, I want to call happiness into your life because you should be that too. Live in it, bathe in it.”

Tunzi was crowned Miss Universe in December 2019 at an event hosted by Steve Harvey in Atlanta, United States.

Due to Covid-19, there hasn’t been anyone to take over her throne, hence she still holds the title deed of the Universe.



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