Zozibini Tunzi encourages fans to stay at home and stay 'informed' when it comes to the coronavirus



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2020-03-17 13:43  Nikita Coetzee

As people all around the world practice "social distancing" to help curb the spread of the coronavirus, Miss Universe Zozibini Tunzi is doing her part as well.

The beauty queen, whose job includes jet-setting around the globe, has put her travels on hold, and is remaining inside her New York apartment.

Sharing a message of hope with fans, Zozi said in a video on Instagram: "As you can see, I am at home in my sweats, trying to do my part in flattening the curve. And I hope that you guys are doing the same too by staying at home, and staying strong, [and] listening to your governments and world health leaders."

The 26-year-old assured followers that "we will get through" this pandemic.

"You're not in this alone, guys. We're all in this together, and we will get through it."

She also encouraged people to "stay informed" when it comes to the virus.

Trevor Noah, who also lives in New York City, recently shared that he too will be staying indoors. Aside from postponing his stand-up tour, the comedian has also halted recording on The Daily Show.



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